Roberts Perryman has over 40 years of experience and an enviable record of success in defending premises liability claims.

Roberts Perryman has over 40 years of experience and an enviable record of success in defending premises liability claims.
While some insurance defense firms handle coverage issues as a part of their overall defense practice, we consider coverage opinions and claims to be a special category of their own that requires an experienced coverage attorney.
We work daily with claims professionals throughout the United States on claims arising in Illinois and Missouri where our knowledge of the local terrain serves as a guide through the minefield.
We represent truckers and motor carriers who have been in accidents, including every imaginable type of accident, from catastrophic losses to minor property damage.
Legal malpractice suits are increasingly common in today’s legal landscape and may have serious repercussions. The potential of severe financial consequences and reputational damage make these cases extremely significant to law firms.
The attorneys of Roberts Perryman are experienced in effecting successful motion practice in the state and federal courts of both Missouri and Illinois. This experience ranges from initiating and defending dispositive motions to drafting and arguing both pre- and post-trial motions.
A separate aspect of professional liability practice is design professional malpractice defense. For over twenty years our professional malpractice defense attorneys have represented many of the leading design firms in the St. Louis area in arbitrations and lawsuits. Several of our reported appellate decisions involve our successful defense of such claims.