ATRI Releases Second Survey to Collect Data on 34 Hour Restart Rule


According to Truckinginfo the American Transportation Research Institute released a second survey to collect data on the impacts that may accrue from changes to the 34-hour restart rule.

The survey looks for input from commercial drivers on potential operational impacts from the changes. The new hours-of-service (HOS) rules are scheduled to take effect this summer, changes to the 34-hour restart will include:

1. A requirement that a restart include two periods between 1 a.m. – 5 a.m., and
2. A limitation of one restart per 7-day time period.

The survey, in addition to the recently completed motor carrier survey, is part of a larger ATRI study quantifying real-world operational impacts on the trucking industry that may result from these revisions.

Commercial drivers are encouraged to provide confidential input on the HOS changes through ATRI’s survey, available online at or by clicking here.

The aggregated results of both surveys, as well as ATRI’s full HOS study, will be released later this year.