Ted L. Perryman and Jason D. Guerra Present at the 74th Annual Missouri Trucking Association’s Annual Conference Septermber 28 – 30th , 2011


During the three-day annual meeting, marking MoTA’s 74th year as the voice of the trucking industry in Missouri, over 200 motor carrier and allied industry members and guests, attended business sessions and heard from local and national speakers.

Ted Perryman presented ‘Employee or Contractor? The Pitfalls of Misclassification’.  Ted’s presentation pointed out the increased chance the Department of Labor will be on the look-out and more prone to audits in Missouri.  Perryman reviewed the determinants of what constitutes employees and independent contractors and how to ensure trucking companies are utilizing best practices in keeping their up classifications according to federal definition.  According to Ted, “Prevention is the best measure.  Making sure you understand what you need to be doing, as well as in the unfortunate case of an audit, what the auditor is looking for will help tremendously.”

‘Liability Issues with Shippers, Brokers and Independent Contractors’, presented by Jason Guerra, reviewed several court cases and how liability was assumed when multi parties were involved in the suit.  Guerra states, “Trucking companies, brokers, 3PL’s, shippers – all of these entities need to be well aware of who is liable in the relationship of responsibility according to the court.  From what we have seen in the last couple years it is highly recommended trucking companies review their current contracts and make sure they have not left the door open to lawsuits.  We believe they are coming.”


At the Candlelight Banquet on Thursday night, Ron Breau was awarded the prestigious “Frank G. Campbell Award for Outstanding Service”.  Mr. Breau was honored for his 30 years of service and dedication to the trucking industry.   

The final day of the conference was wrapped up by guest speaker Dan England of C. R. England, Inc., American Trucking Associations First Vice Chairman.

For copies of Ted Perryman’s or Jason Guerra’s presentation please call 314-421-1850 and ask for Jennifer Mason.