Ted Perryman Attending the 23rd Annual Trucking Industry Defense Association Meeting, Oct 26-27, San Antonio TX


Ted Perryman attended TIDA’s annual meeting in San Antonio Texas, October 26-27.

The conference kicked off with Matt Jewel,  Executive Vice President, Intermodal Services and Chief Strategy Officer at Forward Air, delivering the State of the Industry.  Some other key presentations were ‘Broker Duties & Liability – Mind the Gap’, ‘Evidence Preservation & Avoiding a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’, ‘CSA Data – A Sword or a Shield?’.

The Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA) is a nonprofit association with members devoted to sharing knowledge and resources for defense of the trucking industry. Founded in 1993, TIDA has become the organization of choice for over 1,500 motor carriers, trucking insurers, defense attorneys and claims servicing companies.

The organization is committed to reducing the cost of claims and lawsuits against the trucking industry. Members work to develop strategies and share knowledge to defend the trucking industry in personal injury, property damage, workers’ compensation and cargo claims. TIDA members advocate on behalf of the industry’s interests.  

For more information please contact Jennifer Mason, jmason@robertsperryman.com, 314-421-1850.