Ted Perryman Attends the TCA’s 75th Annual Convention


The Truckload Carrier’s had it’s 75th Annual Convention in Las Vegas, March 2-6th.  Roberts Perryman would like to congratulate the outgoing Chairman for an excellent tenure of service to the industry, Mr. Robert Low of Prime.  Additionally, we would like to welcome and congratulate Mr. Tom Kretsinger of ACT as incoming Chairman.  Roberts Perryman is proud to represent such outstanding companies and wishes them many more years of success and leadership within the trucking industry.

Many topics were covered, but the issue of industry and driver image is clearly one the TCA is committed to improving.  With driver shortages at an all time high the TCA is committing to make this career choice a viable and real option for as many new demographics as possible.

For more information please contact Jennifer Mason at jmason@robertsperryman.com or 314-421-1850